The Untold Story of the 26/11 Warrior- MARCOS Praveen Teotia
‘The first bullet hit the magazine on the right side, tearing apart both the magazines but It didn’t stop there’ said MARCOS Praveen Teotia
‘The first bullet hit the magazine on the right side, tearing apart both the magazines but It didn’t stop there’ said MARCOS Praveen Teotia
These 6 lifestyle tips will surely give you a model like glowing skin! No company ever reveals these secrets because they don’t want to lose their customers.
Chakrasana benefits the body by improving Spine Flexibility, increasing the Strength of Hip Flexor, Hamstring, and spine extensor. It enhances the functionality of the Lumbar and Thoracic Spine.
These are the remedies Ayurveda recommends to increase testosterone levels in the body. Step 1- Ashwagandha with warm milk.
These are the amazing benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama for the brain, lungs, eyes, skin and overall body. The Steps and precautions to be observed.
Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three dominant doshas of body that define one’s nature, structure and physical, mental, psychological, etc state